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  • 30 Sep 2024 10:19 AM | Jamila Jabulani (Administrator)

    How long have you been a member of the Black Health Network and what drew you to CBHN?


    What is your current profession? 

    CEO and founder of As You Are Non-Profit Called To Do His Work.

    From your perspective, what barriers exist in current profession and achieving health equity for Black Californians?

    Achieving health equity for Black Californians is hindered by several significant barriers. One of the primary challenges is access to care. Many Black communities struggle to obtain quality healthcare services due to geographic locations that lack adequate facilities, as well as transportation issues. Additionally, there is often a limited availability of healthcare providers who understand the cultural needs of these communities, further complicating access. Economic disparities also play a crucial role in health outcomes. Higher rates of poverty and unemployment in Black communities can severely limit access to preventive care and healthy food options. When individuals are economically disadvantaged, they may prioritize immediate needs over long-term health, leading to poorer health outcomes overall. Discrimination and bias within the healthcare system exacerbate these challenges. Systemic racism and implicit bias can result in mistrust, misdiagnosis, and inadequate treatment for Black individuals. This mistrust can discourage people from seeking care, perpetuating a cycle of health inequity.

    Moreover, the lack of culturally relevant health education contributes to the problem. Many individuals in these communities may not be fully aware of the resources available to them, preventive measures they can take, or the health conditions that disproportionately affect them. This gap in knowledge can hinder proactive health management. Social determinants of health, such as housing instability, food insecurity, and limited educational opportunities, further contribute to health disparities. These factors can significantly impact overall well-being and access to necessary healthcare services. Finally, mental health stigma poses a substantial barrier. Cultural perceptions surrounding mental health can prevent individuals from seeking necessary care and support, exacerbating existing health issues. Addressing these barriers requires a multifaceted approach, including policy changes, community engagement, and increased investment in culturally competent healthcare services. By tackling these issues holistically, we can work towards achieving health equity for Black Californians.

    Both in your work and with CBHN, how have you been able to prioritize the health of Back Californians?

    In both my work and with the California Black Health Network, I prioritize the health of Black Californians through several key strategies. First, I actively engage with community members to understand their unique health needs and challenges, ensuring their experiences are reflected in program development. I advocate for policies that promote health equity and address systemic barriers, including increased funding for healthcare services tailored to Black communities. Providing culturally relevant education is also essential, as it helps ensure that health information resonates with these populations and addresses specific concerns. Additionally, I focus on building partnerships with local organizations, healthcare providers, and stakeholders to create a unified approach to improving health outcomes. Promoting preventive health measures, screenings, and wellness programs is vital in reducing the incidence of chronic diseases. Finally, I work to address mental health stigma and enhance access to mental health resources, recognizing the importance of holistic well-being. Through these strategies, I aim to create a supportive environment that prioritizes the health and well-being of Black Californians, ultimately working towards greater health equity.

    What inspires you to keep doing the work you do?

    The belief in the transformative power of community support and advocacy. Seeing the positive changes in individuals lives and knowing that my efforts contribute to a safer, more supportive environment fuels my passion. Additionally, the stories of resilience from those I serve remind me of the importance of compassion and dedication. It's a privilege to help others find their strength and navigate their journeys toward healing and empowerment.

    What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

    The bravest thing I have done is embracing vulnerability and standing up for those who feel voiceless. Launching As You Are Non-Profit Called To Do His Work took immense courage, as it meant confronting difficult truths about domestic violence and advocating for change in my community. By sharing my own experiences and supporting others, I've faced fears and challenges head-on. This journey has taught me that true bravery lies in the willingness to take risks for the sake of others, fostering hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

    What's the best advice you've ever received?

    The best advice that I have received is to listen more than you speak. This simple yet profound guidance has taught me the importance of truly understanding others, especially those I aim to help. By listening, I can better empathize with their experiences and needs, allowing me to provide more effective support and meaningful solutions. It's a reminder that every person has a story worth hearing, and that understanding is the foundation of compassion and impactful advocacy.

  • 13 Sep 2024 10:22 AM | Jamila Jabulani (Administrator)

    How long have you been a member of the Black Health Network, and what drew you to CBHN? 

    I have been a member of the CBHN since 2023. In 2022, we were invited to table with CBHN's LIVE IT UP, Long Beach! health fair. We were introduced to CBHN through our association with the Black Health Equity Collaborative (BHEC), which we are one of the founding members.

    What is your current profession? 

    Officially, I am a retired Sr. Analyst from the City of Los Angeles, having worked in many capacities that serve the residents of the city. Since 2018, I have served as the President and Executive Director of the Clarissa Manuel Foundation (CMF).

    From your perspective, what barriers exist in achieving health equity for Black Californians?

    Whereas many orgs and agencies work in silos focusing on one area or another of health, the CMF believes in using a holistic approach to bring the community information, tools, and resources using a broad network of community partners to help the community help itself to be healthier. By taking a holistic approach, we seek to connect the dots of where the community is suffering disparities and to fill the gaps through connection and collaboration with our networks. We believe we are stronger and more effective working together.

    Both in your work and with CBHN, how have you been able to prioritize the health of Black Californians? 

    The CMF was created as a conduit to connect the African American and BIPOC communities with resources to increase wellness in the community. CBHN provides another conduit in the fabric of our network to connect the community to services and information, while also allowing CMF to connect to others who are working to better the health and wellbeing of the community as well.

    What inspires you to keep doing the work you do?

    I have always been inspired by the work of philanthropists large and small and especially the activists that selflessly gave their lives to bring change and make life better for the people of the Black diaspora. People like Fannie Lou Hamer, Yvonne Braithwaite-Burke, and Maxine Waters are always foremost in my mind knowing I have benefitted immensely from their activism.

    What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

    I think the bravest thing I ever did was to seek my own path as a teenager and get on a bus alone leaving everything and everyone to educate myself and go for my dreams. Only one person knew I was leaving. At that person’s urging, I let my family know I was leaving 5 days before I left.

    What's the best advice you've ever received?

    Always take the high road. It usually looks like the hardest choice but will always provide you with the greatest results.

    Question missing from this list: What does your future life look like?

    Learning is a lifetime endeavor. I plan to continue my education and expand my outreach to bring resources to people in need.

  • 28 Aug 2024 10:35 AM | Jamila Jabulani (Administrator)

    How long have you been a member of the Black Health Network, and what drew you to CBHN? 

    We are approaching our first year with CBHN! At Donor Network West, we recognize the unique opportunity we have in supporting our mutual goals of improving health and health equity for the diverse community we serve.  I am inspired by and regularly share CBHN’s educational webinar offerings and information with our network of volunteers, partners, and employees.

    What is your current profession? 

    President and CEO at Donor Network West, a federally designated nonprofit 501(c)3 Organ Procurement Organization.  Our mission is to save and heal lives through organ and tissue donation for transplantation and research.

    From your perspective, what barriers exist in achieving health equity for Black Californians? 

    Representation in medical and health policy, culturally competent healthcare workers, having seats at the decision-making tables, challenges in managing chronic diseases, healthcare deserts, and the historical context of systemic racism and its long-term impact on health and well-being are several barriers to achieving health equity for Black Californians.

    Both in your work and with CBHN, how have you been able to prioritize the health of Black Californians? 

    As an organization, Donor Network West serves a diverse, multicultural population – over 14 million people in northern California and northern Nevada in our service area. There are more than 100,000 people waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant in the U.S., with 20,000 living in California and more than 600 in Nevada. Our service area is comprised of 60% BIPOC/Non-White, and the awareness and education we provide, specifically in our Community team outreach,  has a strong focus on dispelling myths about organ donation and transplantation, which can negatively impact and influence health decisions. Over the past five years, we are proud to have increased organ donation authorization rates (those who have said “yes” to organ donation) by 77% in the Black community. In raising awareness of the critical need of lifesaving organs, we partner with the Golden State Warriors to bring Black, pediatric patients residing throughout Northern California with a connection to donation and transplantation courtside next to the players and coaches during African American Heritage Night. I stated in the CBHN Health4Life Series: Let’s Celebrate Life this past April, our organization represents and mirrors the community we serve, in both perception and appearance. Partnering with organizations like CBHN allows us to continue advocating for people waiting for a lifesaving organ, while at the same time, offering hope and creating lasting legacies for families who have lost loved ones.

    What inspires you to keep doing the work you do? 

    Meeting individuals who have been able to live life fulfillments by receiving a second chance at life through organ transplantation is truly moving. Their immense appreciation for their donors is beyond words, but it’s clear that they live their lives full of gratitude and with a deep desire to share their personal stories of triumph. They always acknowledge the immeasurable gift of life they received. I am also inspired by the incredible work of our dedicated staff who tirelessly honor this gift of life through organ donation. With continuous medical advancements and research, we are expanding the possibilities in transplantation, and being part of this work to improve health outcomes is both inspiring and a true privilege. I am just returning from attending the Transplant Games of America where we can have the rewarding experience of the recipients returning to doing the things they love.

    What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

    With my fear of heights, driving up the Mount Diablo summit was no easy feat. But I did it!

    What's the best advice you've ever received?

    Take the time to build relationships. Be intentional, not transactional.

  • 19 Aug 2024 9:03 AM | Jamila Jabulani (Administrator)

    I have been a member of the CBHN for two years and I joined just after moving to California and beginning my role as Vice Chair for Research and Professor at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in the Department of Population and Public Health Sciences. I also serve as Associate Director for Cancer Equity at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center in Los Angeles, and I am the Director of the USC Choices Lab where we focus on community health outcomes, innovation, impact, and equity studies.

    I was drawn to join the CBHN because we have a shared mission to address health disparities. For the last 25 years, I have been conducting research examining the various gaps in access to health care, high-quality health care, and the disparities in cancer mortality among different populations. The BHN focuses on health education, health policy, and connecting change makers and advocates for Black Californians. My research team and I are focused on the same goals!

    As a health equity researcher, I have seen a variety of barriers to equal healthcare, across the entire care spectrum. There is a long history of communities of color living under separate and unequal systems in the U.S. We have documented, in our research, the social determinants of health, such as access to safe housing and transportation, financial strain, neighborhood safety, distance to green spaces among others, that are consistently difference for minority populations as compared to predominately white communities.

    In our research, we seek to document inequity and to develop and test interventions that can make a difference in the health of Black Californians. A lot of health research focuses on exposing the causes of illness or aims to understand the mechanics of disease. In our population-level work, we have established and documented the disparities in health among Black and African American citizens, and now we are focused on action. For instance, at the cancer center, our outreach team created culturally tailored communications on cancer screening guidelines and clinical trials just for African Americans. We also are launching a community health navigation program, under our new Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Prevention. The work of our navigators will be focused on addressing social barriers to cancer screening and treatment, as we aim to reduce disparities in mortality for Black Californians.

    What inspires me to do this work in health equity is seeing the differences in survival for Black and white citizens with cancer. Just look at prostate cancer, where the rate of survival for Black men is nearly half that of white men. The same is true for breast cancer, where Black women have a 40% lower survival rate. The rates of being diagnosed with cancer are not so different, but the rates of survival are glaringly different and so I am inspired to work toward solutions wherever I can move the needle in this area.

    The bravest thing I’ve ever done was probably to move my life and my whole family to California from South Carolina! I have two teenage sons and it was a big change for all of us, but now that we are putting down roots here, I think it was all worth the challenge and stress.

    The best advice I ever received was to focus on addressing the drivers that have the biggest impact on minority health and health disparities.  This has been my north star throughout my career and guided my professional activities and focal areas.

    I’m excited to partner with CBHN on health equity in California!

  • 5 Aug 2024 9:38 AM | Jamila Jabulani (Administrator)

    How long have you been a member of the Black Health Network, and what drew you to CBHN? 

    I have been a member of the CA Black Health Network for a year. While working in the space of Health Equity in OC, I was encouraged by the rich body of work from the Black Health Network. After attending a couple webinars, it was an easy decision to join.

    What is your current profession? 

    I am blessed to be the Executive Director of Operations at Second Baptist Church and HEAAL (Health Equity for African American’s League. In addition to managing operations at the oldest Black Church in Orange County, I am responsible for leading community engagement efforts.

    From your perspective, what barriers exist in achieving health equity for Black Californians? 

    I see two barriers. The first is the systemic racism that has permeated our health system has some people blind to the issues and others bury their heads in the sand rather that speaking up. We want to ensure that the steps that can be taken are acted upon and not placated to. The other barrier is a lack of self-empowerment. Fortunately, I see more Black people taking charge of their health, incorporating healthy habits, exploring holistic resources that have served our communities for 1,000’s of years and monitoring critical health markers such as blood pressure and A1C.

    Both in your work and with CBHN, how have you been able to prioritize the health of Black Californians? 

    We conducted the 1st  statistically significant survey that was created by Blacks, administered to Blacks who live, work, and /or worship in Orange County to uncover the social determinants of health affecting us. The results concluded that we need:1. Access to culturally sensitive mental health care providers 2. Access to affordable Healthcare and Nutrition 3. Affordable Housing and 4. Addressing discrimination in our Healthcare system.

    What inspires you to keep doing the work you do? 

    The intrinsic value of knowing we are making Orange County a healthier place for Blacks to thrive is my greatest reward. There are some committed providers who not only want to hear what we have to say but make meaningful changes in the way they service our population.

    What's the bravest thing you've ever done? 

    The bravest thing in this work I’ve done is stand before the board of supervisors and advocate that they approve a resolution declaring racism as a public health crisis in Orange County. Speaking truth to power in the midst of racist community members yelling in the chamber.

    What's the best advice you've ever received? 

    There is an understanding amongst policy makers that “If you are not in the data, you don’t exist”. Many reports from health agencies somehow don’t have data on Black people in their reports. They claim we don’t participate in surveys and assume we don’t have issues. Our survey provided them with the empirical quantitative and qualitative data to address this multi-pronged issue of inequities in underserved communities and how they hinder us from thriving.

    Question missing from this list: 

    Remember that our ancestors have fought the same fight and are cheering us on to continue. We can’t give up and remember who is on our side. This is social justice work and the church belongs in the forefront as a trusted voice who advocates for justice and equity.

  • 25 Jul 2024 10:16 AM | Obinna Oleribe

    Health Equity for African Americans League (HEAAL)  in 2023 identified mental health problems as the most important health problem in Blacks/African/African American communities in Orange County. The African American Alliance Fund (AAAF) has commissioned CFHI to do more work towards understanding the top mental health problems confronting Blacks/Africans/African Americans. Our goal is to capture the top health and mental health priorities of Blacks/Africans/African Americans in your community. To make this work statistically significant, we want to hear from you. 

    The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. The survey is completely anonymous and your responses will not be linked to you or your email (even if it shows your email). Please complete the entire form as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at cfhi@expertmanagers.org or ooleribe@cfhealthinitiative.org 

    Click HERE to complete the survey. If this fails, please copy and paste the URL: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRerXEB8Tybx_tvK6W1UKltKlikbeF3gMbqVG9RnJ-kpZSBQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link to complete the survey.

  • 22 Jul 2024 11:13 AM | Jamila Jabulani (Administrator)

    How long have you been a member of the Black Health Network, and what drew you to CBHN?

    I started my membership in 2023 when my dear friend Antoinette Manuel did a workshop with CBHN. It was my first time of hearing about the organization and I really felt motivated to be a part of the change.

    What is your current profession? 

    I work for a company called Enriching Lives. We are local non-profit Family Home Agency that helps individuals with disabilities find, not just a living option, but a place they can call home. You can look at it like foster care but for adults with disabilities. I am the Social Work Supervisor for our Sacramento Office. We are always looking for people in the community who would like to help support an individual in their home. We pay a tax-free monthly stipend to the provider. It’s a wonderful way to work from home, help others, and make extra income. This August will be my 8th year with the company. It is truly a blessing to have found a work environment that aligns with my personal values and morals. I feel there is no better way to spend the majority of my time to service those who are in need of a family environment.

    From your perspective, what barriers exist in achieving health equity for Black Californians? 

    When I was younger, I had no knowledge of the barriers that I would face in the health care system. I thought what I was experiencing was normal, and our health care system was just really flawed for everyone. I joined a Facebook group for black women dealing with cycle challenges and starting realizing it was not just the system that was flawed but there is evidence-based studies that showed the lack of care black women receive from the medical field. I started educating myself on how to be a self-advocate, how to identify implicit bias of others through words and action, and how to gain the confidence to drop that doctor and research for a new one. Once I gained this knowledge, I was able to act on it, and my experience with the medical field greatly changed. I think for our community to have better health equity, they need to be armed with the education and resources to advocate for themselves. Knowing is half the battle for our younger generation. Equipping them with the tools to navigate the medical field should be a priority of our community.

    Both in your work and with CBHN, how have you been able to prioritize the health of Black Californians? 

    My goal as a supervisor is to make sure all individuals are receiving quality health care and their health goals are being achieved. Communication is key to arming our individuals with the tools they need to express how they are feeling and what they would like done. I do volunteer work for a non-profit called Sisterbees, working with black and brown girls ages 12-24. We have made self-care and health a main focus for the young ladies to better educate them on the importance of their health.

    What inspires you to keep doing the work you do?

    Seeing our individuals thriving and succeeding in life.

    What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

    Taking on the journey of IVF. I have been in this journey since 2021 and have come across several women who have stopped or never even started because of how treacherous the journey can be. I know God has placed it in my heart to be a mom, it’s in scripture to be fruitful and multiply, and I know this journey was laid out for me to be a testimony. As long as I have the funds to keep going, trust and believe I will keep going, leaning on God’s promise!

    What's the best advice you've ever received?

    What they vandalize HE (God) will testify. Do not worry about what others are saying and doing. Not everyone will be able to be around you and your energy, especially if you vibrate high. You keep going, staying true to who you are and God will remove those who are against you. You never have to come out of character, stay true to yourself and all the rest will align. Secondly, Take up space, Sis!! Many times, people say “black women are so extra” so we may feel the need to shrink ourselves down around other people outside our culture. Lightening our voice tone, being delicate with our words, and many more. If you were invited into the space, join it as your authentic self.

    If people want to become a family home provider with Enriching Lives, how do they get started:

    Please go on our website at enrichinglives.net and find the office closest to you; ask to speak to the certification specialist or someone who can help you become certified.

  • 8 Jul 2024 1:05 PM | Jamila Jabulani (Administrator)

    How long have you been a member of the Black Health Network, and what drew you to CBHN? 

    June 28, 2023 It's time to renew! I had seen CBHN events throughout CA on Facebook but none in Orange County. My hope is to bring a major CBHN event to Orange County to share what our Black community is doing and to share and receive resources with the CBHN members throughout the state.

    What is your current profession? 

    Grantee Liaison with Desert Vista Consulting (DVC) on a project named CACHI (CA Accountable Communities for Health Initiative).

    From your perspective, what barriers exist in achieving health equity for Black Californians? 

    There is still a stigma in the Black community regarding getting preventative care and trusting healthcare providers. And there are healthcare providers who do not know how to care for us, especially in the areas concerning maternal health, cancers and diabetes. From my understanding, there are federal and state funds sent to counties to help the Black community, but most community-based organizations and churches receive either little to no funds to support them. More resources and funds are needed, and providers need more education on how to help our community.

    Both in your work and with CBHN, how have you been able to prioritize the health of Black Californians?  

    With my lived experience, I have been able to work in behavioral health, advocating and supporting peers, sometimes at the table to discuss changes that will affect peers throughout the state, and now advocating for systemic change for the Orange County Black community through HEAAL (www.heaaloc.org). 

    What inspires you to keep doing the work you do? 

    I had a primary care doctor who truly showed me how to advocate and take care of myself during three of the four times I battled cancer. There is someone out there who may be going through struggles and don't think they can make it, they can't keep going. God has used my life to show people that there is hope, that you can keep going and you can make it. Things are tough but they are not impossible to overcome!

    What's the bravest thing you've ever done? 

    Battled the same cancer four times within 19 years, and during the fourth cancer battle started working on my certifications in Mental Health Worker and Alcohol and Drug Studies. As of January 2024 I am four years in remission and still working on getting my certifications!

    What's the best advice you've ever received?

    "No is a complete sentence." and "You do not have to do it all. Delegate." I'm still working on both of these, I think I always will!

  • 24 Jun 2024 8:59 AM | Jamila Jabulani (Administrator)

    How long have you been a member of the Black Health Network, and what drew you to CBHN?  

    I've been a member of the California Black Health Network for one year, and I was drawn to the network for two reasons. One, I have a black family that is unconditionally supportive. I joined to be resourceful to them and become more culturally connected. Further, a meaningful portion of the people we serve through our programs and services are Black.

    What is your current profession? 

    Director of ECM and CalAIM Programs at Illumination Foundation.  

    From your perspective, what barriers exist in achieving health equity for Black Californians? 

    The barriers that exist are a shortage of healthcare providers of color and accountability of resource distribution.   

    Both in your work and with CBHN, how have you been able to prioritize the health of Black Californians? 

    Regarding CBHN, I've previously joined the Healthy Aging Peer Network and the Better Black Beauty Ambassadors training as a way to increase my knowledge and share resources in both my professional and personal life. Unrelated to CBHN, we search for community resources to connect our clients and prioritize the health of Black Californians. Events such as 16th Annual Faith and Health Luncheon that focuses on black health, centered and led by the community, and critical disease prevention are how we look to strengthen the resources available to the people we serve.  

    We’re excited about partnering with Forty-Three Strategic Consulting to establish a foundation of shared language and processes that are Health Equity focused; this partnership is made possible by CalAIM’s Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) initiative. The conversations we’re having around how to think about and prioritize the health of Black Californians are ongoing and aspirational.

    What inspires you to keep doing the work you do? 

    An ambition to reimagine how systems work and how collaboration happens. California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) is an ambitious plan to transform how health care is delivered. We’re in a period where new ideas and innovative opportunities are possible, changing things up is what inspires me the most! 

    What's the bravest thing you've ever done? 

    Proposing to my husband in front of his family.   

    What's the best advice you've ever received? 

    To speak up because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. 

  • 10 Jun 2024 3:34 PM | Jamila Jabulani (Administrator)

    I am the longtime Executive Director of Public Health Advocates (PHAdvocates). We are a statewide organization that works with California communities to establish policies, systems, and norms to promote health and racial justice. I've been supporting the great work of the Black Health Network for as long as I can remember because of your leadership in addressing Black health disparities. I was honored to be awarded one of BHN’s Hero in Health awards in 2013.

    Racial justice was baked into my bones from a young age. I grew up in Oakland in the 1960s when the Civil Rights movement was in full swing and while the Black Panthers followed the police in an effort to stop police brutality. Yet still, as a 60-year-old white man I am regularly reminded how deeply the white dominant culture influences my perspectives and approach. My task is to stay open, listen to the wisdom of my colleagues, know that I don't know what I don't know so I have to keep learning.

    At PHAdvocates, we prioritize the health of Black Californians in virtually everything we do. We know that when our work improves the lives of Black people, it's a sign that we have contributed to deep and meaningful change; we also know that it inevitably helps others as well.

    • In Stockton, we partner with Black churches to establish organizational and municipal policies to promote healthy eating, physical activity, and community safety. 
    • In our First Response Transformation Campaign, we help local champions in five cities redesign their police, fire, and emergency medical response systems to make them more respectful, less costly, and less racially biased.
    • Through our All Children Thrive campaign we are helping residents in 31 low income cities to develop local policies to prevent childhood trauma and enhance child wellbeing.

    Many of our campaigns are led by Black staff; all of them include some Black staff. In addition, our projects are guided by community advisory groups that ensure that our work nurtures the wisdom and creativity of participating communities, addresses overt and systemic racism and oppression, and promotes safety, trust, transparency, and collaboration.

    What barriers exist in achieving health equity for Black Californians?

    After George Floyd’s murder, there was growing awareness in the United States about systemic racism. For a short time, there was more talk about the need for police reform, DEI programs in government and corporate settings, and curricula teaching young people about our country’s racist past and it's continued impact today. I never imagined that so many of my white friends would read How To Be an Antiracist! Unfortunately, I am afraid the tide has turned. At the national level as Donald Trump, his loyalists, the media that supports them, and the white nationalists they ignore, allow, condone, and/or support, are dedicated to eviscerating the gains we have made over the past decades. I am hopeful, however, that California can continue making progress and can be a beacon for the nation.

    What inspires me to keep doing the work I do? 

    What inspires me most are the passionate, creative, and dedicated young and diverse staff at PHAdvocates and our collective commitment to working with organizations like BHN to dismantle the unjust systems and structures that continue to leave far too many people behind. 

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