Dr. Henry has a Doctor of Public Health in health services research and a Master of Public Health in community health sciences.
How long have you been a member of the Black Health Network?
Not sure. First heard of, and interacted with, CBHN in the late ’90s. Connected with y’all again from 2016-2019. I joined again in May of 2021.
What drew you to CBHN?
People power. Making connections. Policy advocacy.
What is your current profession?
In 8 words, author, book publisher, consultant, speaker, and store owner. In a few more words, I run Community Intelligence, a public health research, policy analysis and health communications consulting firm; Go Crenshaw Publications; and, GoCrenshaw.Shop.
From your perspective, what barriers exist in achieving health equity for Black Californians?
Hmmm…I could go on and on ‘til the break of dawn on this one - but I won’t. How about lack of Universal Health Coverage; absence of recommended pedestrian safety infrastructure and countermeasures; and inadequate public investment in Black/Brown communities.
Both in your work and with CBHN, how have you been able to prioritize the health of older Black Californians?
To name just three of many. Community Intelligence prioritizes the health of older Black Californians/Angelenos by (1) conducting secondary research on the leading preventable causes of morbidity and mortality for Black people and developing policy recommendations; (2) writing books that detail things that can be done walking, advocating for placemaking and (3) wayfinding signage that help to make walking more interesting, and forming Crenshaw Walks, a walking group.
What inspires you to keep doing the work you do?
My family, my garden, my pool, and kung fu.