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This story originally appeared in the California Health Report.

Black Health Network Member Spotlight: Allen Noriega

24 Jun 2024 8:59 AM | Jamila Jabulani (Administrator)

How long have you been a member of the Black Health Network, and what drew you to CBHN?  

I've been a member of the California Black Health Network for one year, and I was drawn to the network for two reasons. One, I have a black family that is unconditionally supportive. I joined to be resourceful to them and become more culturally connected. Further, a meaningful portion of the people we serve through our programs and services are Black.

What is your current profession? 

Director of ECM and CalAIM Programs at Illumination Foundation.  

From your perspective, what barriers exist in achieving health equity for Black Californians? 

The barriers that exist are a shortage of healthcare providers of color and accountability of resource distribution.   

Both in your work and with CBHN, how have you been able to prioritize the health of Black Californians? 

Regarding CBHN, I've previously joined the Healthy Aging Peer Network and the Better Black Beauty Ambassadors training as a way to increase my knowledge and share resources in both my professional and personal life. Unrelated to CBHN, we search for community resources to connect our clients and prioritize the health of Black Californians. Events such as 16th Annual Faith and Health Luncheon that focuses on black health, centered and led by the community, and critical disease prevention are how we look to strengthen the resources available to the people we serve.  

We’re excited about partnering with Forty-Three Strategic Consulting to establish a foundation of shared language and processes that are Health Equity focused; this partnership is made possible by CalAIM’s Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) initiative. The conversations we’re having around how to think about and prioritize the health of Black Californians are ongoing and aspirational.

What inspires you to keep doing the work you do? 

An ambition to reimagine how systems work and how collaboration happens. California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) is an ambitious plan to transform how health care is delivered. We’re in a period where new ideas and innovative opportunities are possible, changing things up is what inspires me the most! 

What's the bravest thing you've ever done? 

Proposing to my husband in front of his family.   

What's the best advice you've ever received? 

To speak up because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. 


This story originally appeared in the California Health Report.

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